【同义词辨析】 2019-03-06 结束close-terminate

close: usually implies that something has been in some way open as well as unfinished: ~ the debate. open未决定未解决的not yet finally decided or settled,如the race is still wide open 赛跑胜负未定=anyone could win,如which route is better remains an open question哪条路线较好尚待决定=it is not decided,如the bug is still open软件缺陷还没有解决=it is not corrected)

end: conveys a strong sense of finality and implies a development which has been carried through: ~ed his life.

conclude: may imply a formal closing (as of a meeting): the service ~ed with a blessing.

finish: may stress completion of a final step in a process: after it is painted, the house will be ~ed.

complete: implies the removal of all deficiencies or a successful finishing of what has been undertaken: the resolving of this last issue ~s the agreement.   undertake从事承担开始从事承担means to do something that is important or difficult,如to undertake a task/journey/search承担任务/开始旅行/开始搜索,如a new creative undertaking从事创意工作或事业)

terminate: implies the setting of a limit in time or space: your employment ~s after three months.  词根TERM表示极限界限limit,bound,比如term术语任期表示是有界限的,如determine确定决定的字面意思是"向下划界限",如terminal 3/disease T3航站楼/晚期绝症,如interminable meeting/film/quarrel无休止的会议/电影/争吵,都来自Terminus古罗马掌管边界的神)

close结束停止: 表示有些事还没有解决完成,end结束终结: 表示最终结束,即已历经了各发展阶段 ,conclude结束: 指正式结束如会议,finish结束完成: 指完成最后一步,complete完成: 指排除所有缺陷成功完成,terminate终止: 指设定时空极限

记忆方法: 1)首字母CECFCT想成FCC美国联邦通信委员会和TEC technology缩写<==结束      ""从糸从吉,本义是用线绳草等条状物"把东西捆起来"。其中糸(mi)表示"丝线",吉表示"台子上有食物",即结表示把东西捆起来。"束"同样表示捆绑,字形上看,是用线绳草把木头捆起来,如束缚束皮带;引申为捆起来的东西,如一束鲜花花束光束。 ""的本义是"把丝缠紧",表示"结束",其中冬表示四季的尽头   ""表示"没有残缺",字面意思是"房屋处于原本状态",引申表示使东西不再有残缺,即可结束。""右部是一把宽口长柄大斧"",左下有一直条长形物,很像是"用斧劈木以毕其功"的意思,如成功成语成婚善做善成

          2)结束的意思是停止做某事mean to bring or come to a stopping point or limit.